
Nursery Rhymes

Nursery Rhymes My girls requested that we do a week of Nursery Rhymes when school started.  I love how they are excited about learning.  I actually think they just wanted me to read them the books that we used to read over and over when they were little.  They hear me read them to little …

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Handwriting Looks Like…

Handwriting Looks Like… Sometimes we get wrapped up in what homeschool should look like.  We want to keep up with the Jones’ (public school) in a sense.  But one of the many reasons I choose to homeschool my children is because I want to do better.  Please do not think I am knocking public school …

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E is for Elephant

E is for Elephant We continued learning the letters that can be made using only straight lines.  I have always loved the book Elmer.  We looked at how to form the capital E correctly and practiced some paper tearing skills.  It is so funny to find little basic skills like tearing paper that I have …

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Groundhog Day

Groundhog Day One of the fun things about homeschool (for me personally anyway) is that we get to learn about holidays that we don’t actually celebrate.  My family celebrates many holidays but not all the ones that appear on a calendar as a holiday.  We do not celebrate some of the traditional ones: New Year’s …

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Alphabet Notebook

Alphabet Notebook I found this idea in many preschool Pinterest posts.  As I began a more formal homeschool year, I wanted to try and add this in to keep track of learning our letters.  While we follow a formal homeschool very loosely, I like the girls to have some fun things to look at and …

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Wrap Their World in Books

Wrap Their World in Books My first love was reading.  I read constantly as a child.  I remember my mom would take me to the mall each Friday after school and we would buy 2-3 books at Waldenbooks.  I would then spend the weekend lost in those books.   Then I became a first grade teacher.  …

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Alphabet Museum

Alphabet Museum Do you ever feel like you just have TOO much free time?  As a mama of 3 tiny humans and a homeschooler I feel this all the time…ok, maybe not.  But when I saw this idea on Pinterest for some reason my brain said, “Sure, you’ve got plenty of time.  You can totally …

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Fairy Tales Unit

Fairy Tales Unit We kicked off our Fairy Tales unit by pulling out some books.  Almost all my units begin with literature – and I plan around that.  These plain gold crowns that I purchased in bulk off Amazon have come in handy for many activities so far.  I had a following directions activity where …

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